
pink pig figurine on white surface

Understanding the Bank’s Questions: How Banks Think

As an entrepreneur, you can strengthen your relationship with your bank by understanding how they think. This can enhance your customer experience and make it easier to understand why banks ask so many questions. 

Banks Regulation
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How to Choose the Right Accountant

Running a small business can be very busy, and keeping track of your finances is often overwhelming. Here’s some advice on how to choose the right accountant for your needs, with practical tips from a fellow entrepreneur.

Accounting Regulation
pile of books

A Beginner’s Guide to Danish Business Regulation

It's important to know the basic rules and laws that apply to your business. Here is a brief introduction to the most important Danish business regulations that can help you stay compliant with the rules.

Documentation Regulation


We use New Banking Identity to provide you with a secure platform to manage your own information. This way, the information you provide us is protected with high security.

You are the only owner of the information that concerns you. We will not share your information with other parties unless you give us your written consent to do so. 

We will need your consent to recommend a partner bank to open a business account for your company.

You are welcome to contact us. We are happy to help:  

Deletion of a access is managed on your NewBanking Identity account using the following process:

  1. Go to (login required)
  2. Select the company and access you would like to delete
  3. Click on the 3-dot menu on the access and choose either “Withdraw access” or “Terminate access”. Clicking on “Withdraw access” will notify the company that would would to withdraw the access. The company will perform any necessary processing as a consequence and then accept your withdrawal. 

Note that withdrawing and/or terminating an access may have consequences for your relationship with Finklusiv.

If you seek technical support, please see New Banking Identity’s support page.